Friday, November 4, 2011

The Principle...

I went to the Temple today for the first time in awhile. It is a beautiful place. As I was sitting –praying in the Celestial room, a thing came to mind that I was not originally concerned with at the moment. It was my blog. My blog where I write my testimony, my struggles, my worries, my fears, and I realized that I have not only neglected writing for quite some time now, but also, that my blog is filled with far too much concerning the world.
I have a profound testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and this blog should be filled with the things of Heaven. I am wholly imperfect and have fallen into mischievous paths often, but I know that my Father in Heaven’s hands are over all things. I have a vision of something so beautiful that there are not words on earth or in heaven to describe it. I desire this thing with all of my heart, and I know that from this thing, my testimony is a pivotal part in obtaining it.
There are moments and experiences in this life that we have that are so special, unique and sacred, but often, due to our pride and selfish desires we ruin those moments. I would be a fool to let my experiences decay at the wayside and not let them shine into the hearts of others gratefully and obediently, regardless of how frustrating and painful it is at first. If we are wise, the things that we love the most, we will through tears and prayer learn to let those things go, just as Heavenly Father let His Son go in the moment of Atonement. If we cannot let go of the things that we love, our loves become an addiction and they will slowly destroy our character until we are in the depths of despair, the gall of bitterness. If we do learn to let those things go, then as the cycles of Eternity turn they will forever be added unto our divine center as an Eternal part of who we are.
This principle of letting go though, goes against the very nature of our bodies, because it is painful. But I testify that if we walk hand in hand with the spirit of God, and let Him cause our spirits to be still, we will see the divine purpose in our pain, and it will become lessened, and we will learn what it means to truly love, and to truly love one another.
My sincere prayer at this moment in time is, just as I have learned personally and intimately this principle of letting go, I desire to learn of the principle of receiving. I know that God Lives, and that His hand is over all things, including my path through this life. I do have desires, great desires, but my greatest wish is that of Heavenly Father’s desire for me.
I have been guided this far in my life with beautiful dreams from time to time, and of which continually increase my wisdom and faith in God and the beauty of all life and living. In the world often I feel as a little child, afraid and scared. But in my words I am powerful and divine. I know who I am, I am a Sentinel of Righteousness, I am a beacon of light, I am a Chosen son of God, I am blessed beyond comprehension, and I will testify of Him with ever word that I speak.
This is my testimony today, I will write more often. Thank you, my dear readers. Goodbye.