Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time to say goodbye

It’s time to say goodbye.

I don’t believe a man is sincere at all when he rules in favor of his own logistical path making when it comes to technicalities in the gospel. This is not wisdom, it is pride, and an unwillingness to be submissive and childlike. Though I am burdened with my own struggles and sins I will never find pathways to try and excuse myself from those sins. I will never try to attempt to find loopholes in our very own prophets words to excuse my own self demoralizing behavior, because when it comes down to it, I know what is right and what is wrong regardless of technicalities in their speech. Those who are attached to certain behavior have two options when someone in authority in the church speaks upon those certain behaviors whatever they be. They can either justify in their own minds why what the Authority said doesn’t affect their own status so they can personally continue their behavior without this rule affecting their good standing, or they can try to change, be submissive and say goodbye to that world of emotional attachment. Those who try to find loopholes regardless of the thing that was suggested or commanded are not only seeking a path around that inconvenience but they are molding their mind into a beacon of apostasy. Where does the justification stop when one seemingly unimportant suggestion is not only forgotten in a moment of weakness but completely and utterly thought upon and deemed not applicable to your situation? Even temple married husbands who’ve recovered have admitted that they had gotten to the point where pornography wasn’t that bad to them and they didn’t see why it was such a big deal. How can this be? What is it that changes? It is a distinct submission to their addiction, to their vice. They justified in their minds that it wasn’t bad to lessen their own guilt and this not only degrades the mind but literally changes whom you think you are. It changes your very person. When we in any degree, and I say it is not the big things but it is the smallest things that become our undoing. What are those small things? Well, that is for you to decide because ultimately we will be our own judge. Weakness is not a sin, but I believe justification of the things that we are weak at is. I will never in the least accept that my sins are alright because that is when I will start to digress from what it is that I know is true. Ultimately, and there is no getting around this fact that does exist eternally, Ultimately, we know when we are partaking in activities that are not in line with what is true and good, but we often will not admit it because of pride and fear. So, I say this day that I must make a stronger stand in my own convictions of truth. But what does that mean? That means I must say goodbye. I must say goodbye to that world where emotions control our actions. Emotion is a beautiful thing but it is sacred, and there are those things that influence continued beauty in our emotions and then there are those things that toy with and play with and confuse and inappropriately touch our emotional state and cause us to become addicts to the very thing that is meant to set us free. I will not compromise my standards any longer and I will never lower them or justify why a certain thing is not applicable to me. I will do what is right and let the consequence follow. The only thing worse than the actually sin is the mindset behind the sin. It is time to say goodbye. Goodbye to what? Goodbye to a life I’ve seen already starting to fade away from me because it isn’t the way I want to go. I don’t want to travel down a path where I’ve already come from. I love my life but I see all too clearly the vices I’ve come out of and I don’t want to have any part of those things now. I’ve searched for happiness in others but I know that the Gospel is my love and I want to hold it like I’ve held others in the past whom I’ve loved dearly, I want to hold it like I’d never want to do anything to hurt it. I believe contained in the Gospel is the greatest love story there ever was and that is the type of love I search for, and if I shall never find it, I shall still praise God for I know that I will always have my truest love in Him.

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