Saturday, January 1, 2011


Argh…! Ye matie! I see purple sails upon my seas and I shall not rest until I’ve sent that boat to the depths of Davie Jones locker! And happy New Year as well! Several things I’ve been inspired to write about, and not the usual serious lectures I inflict upon myself in my writes. Upon getting a bit tipsy off of sparkling cider I played one of the most epic games of Swash Buckle I’ve ever played through the transition to 2011 and that is saying something since I didn’t even win but it was incredible still the same. I’d go on to explain in vivid detail all of the epicness of the five and a half hour brutal charade of scouring the high seas for me treasured booty but I don’t know if any would continue to read after a short bit. Needless to say there were screams, tears, laughs, and “good games” all around at the end, and many a slain pirate as well. Yes, if you haven’t known this yet, I am a board game geek. I get extreme pleasure out of using devious means of stratagem within the bounds of the game to achieve my gameward purposes. But moving on now… as the night came to a close and the excitement of Swash Buckle wore off I paid a short visit to a close relation of mine. I asked in the still of the night seeming to confide a special glance of feeling and trust, “is it going to be a good year? I need something, just something to happen for me, I need to see that glimmer of renewed goodness on the horizon. I’m not apathetic but I’m close to it, I have a devote testimony of the gospel but I’ve struggled to find my blessings.” She looked back at me and said with almost a twinkle in her eye, “You are a glimmer of goodness,” and that was all that was needed, I felt greatly appreciated and honored almost. If you’ve ever felt just so good inside because of what someone else has done for you that moment was mine with those few simple words. I don’t even think she meant it to be profound but it was to my heart and I was grateful, grateful in a way I’ve rarely been grateful before. I hope and pray for a great year. Though I find myself in the halls of worry more often than not I love the moments when the walls break apart and I can see clearly all the paths around me that lead freely to incredible places of beauty and peace. My mind plays games with me and has severely hindered my abilities but I’ve seen far too many times my potential to simply give up on obtaining it even though I feel like giving up often and simply falling in with the ranks of the world. I hope to obtain a true grace one day, I live a somber life full of star gazing and car praying. I love the Gospel, I love its goodness and truth and I am, on levels that I can’t hardly describe deeply attracted to it. If nothing more shall ever come from my affinity to the Church than everything that I have written about it than I will be a happy soul because I know that what I have written is good and my testimony is special. There is only one thing that you need to know and that is, that the Church is true regardless of whatever trial God deems worthy of you, if you can continue to believe that, even when the clouds gather darkness and the jaws of Hell gape open after thee then I believe you’ll be set for life. The finest steel is only it, after it’s been heated and beaten to the highest degree, yet it remains what it is, and that is what it is and that is me.
Well, Happy New Years folks and O, by the way, check out and read My Christmas Vision. Take care homies and until next time, love ya, bye.

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