Monday, January 24, 2011

Abraham Lincoln/Class

I’m not supposed to draw portraits but I get so bored drawing apples and toys and flowers. I took a picture of myself and sketched a self-portrait first (which you’re not going to see) but I wanted to draw somebody famous so I figured the Abe Lincoln photo would be perfect. It’s what I can do so enjoy the pic. I enjoy water-color but I think I’m going to take a drawing class next term.

I’m excited to see what my English teacher thinks of my paper. I think it’s good but I have no idea what these teacher people are like in their thinking… I mean, I’ve done my best to keep it in the format they want and I’ve written about the general field they suggested but I’ve never written a school paper before so I have no idea what they are expecting from me. I like what I wrote… that has to count for something.

Auto class! Truthfully, I love this class because it’s pretty easy so far and I actually feel like I’m learning what I’ve always felt I should know a lot more of. I’ve always had a general knowledge of cars but I’ve also always felt like I should know a lot more then what I do, so this class is great for me and really fun.

Math… o, bother… K, here’s my opinion on this. Math, at least this math that I’m learning is not hard to learn. It’s just a matter of actually consistently doing it. O, by the way, I was bumped out of my, learning place value and adding big numbers class, to learning how to do math with letters class, but the thing is it is hard to focus on this math thing all the time. I feel like if I’m not doing it nearly all the time I won’t progress in it and I simply just can’t do it all the time. I don’t think I’m doing very well in this class but if it were the only class I had I feel like I could easily fly through it. It’s just that I feel like if I’m going to do it I want to do it all the way and just do math all day long but I can’t just focus on math and nothing else, but I want to. And since I can’t do that my natural way of thinking is, “what’s the point?” I definitely need to learn to be more rounded in life because that is a reason I’ve not done a lot of things because if I do something I want to just sit and do that and nothing else until I’ve mastered it. It’s just the way I naturally think, I don’t know why. So I need to learn to do things a little bit every day instead of just being heroic in one field. O, and yes, I am promoting a new word if you haven’t gathered that yet, “Heroic…” it’s so much better than “epic”.

After losing a showdown battle with my PE teacher I feel like I dropped the bomb on him and won the war psychologically when I threw down my very detailed PE class journal on his desk and strolled with my undeniable Jake swagger out of his office stating as I went, “I guess I won’t need that anymore” I made brief eye contact with him one last time before I finally was out of his presence. I think I made him feel bad but I think it was well needed since all he had to do was sign my add card. There was plenty of room in his class, he just “never had time” enough to take the thirty seconds it took to write his name on a little piece of paper for me. He blew me off four times and every time told me to come back a different day and time so he could do it and finally on the last day to add classes this showdown happened, and I may have lost this battle but truthfully, I think if one has the upper hand psychologically as opposed to physically you’re always the victor, and I think I pwned his face off in that last conflict. You should have been there, it was epic.  (yes, epic is still acceptable in certain cases…) I’m going to take this class next semester and stomp all over it with my new running shoes…

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