Thursday, January 20, 2011

Art vs. Math

Learning how to write a paper “the way I’m supposed to” in this thing they call MLA format is quite fun. I greatly enjoy learning the proper techniques to be able to get along in this life; it gives me much needed structure. That said, I will never stray far from my own personal format of writing of which I’ve found great relief and comfort, and I will always write the way I originally learned how to, under the stars in my swing, wrapped up in my blanket watching the snow drift by, typing from the very depths of my heart in a way I believe that is not lacking or void of rules but rather what I might consider a truer guideline from the soul as opposed to the standards set by scholars. I greatly appreciate these people in high academic standings for creating some form of guideline to live by, and I strive to become more knowledgeable in these ways but like I said, I could write a perfect paper in the eyes of my English teacher and be proud of it, but to me it’ll never be better than other things that I’ve written that don’t have my name in the far right hand corner of the header, and aren’t double spaced, or properly cited, or paragraph strewn. I still don’t understand this paragraph thing, I know the need to split up your ideas into smaller section of more organized thought but I find myself losing my train of thought when I try and figure out where I need to start a new paragraph when I just write and just write. Maybe my passion for creating something beautiful with my collected masses of letters and words mixed with a little more professionalism and structure might turn out to be something great, who knows. I do enjoy school very much, my only problem is that I just don’t know what I want to focus on. I love learning how to write, I love learning how to paint, I love learning how to do math, I love learning how to fix cars, I love being physically fit, I want to learn how to play the piano too but all of these things can’t all be my passion. Alright, lets break this down for my benefit; I don’t want to be a mechanic but it comes more easily to me than most other things, an engine is like a complex puzzle and that appeals to my logistical/hands on type of learning. Then there is art, I don’t want to be an art major but I love to draw and paint and take pictures, it appeals greatly to my creative side and I love creating beautiful pieces of artwork. Let’s see, I don’t want to be a health nut and be one of those people that get up at four thirty in the morning and jog seventeen miles before going to work every morning but I love to hike and be physically active. I don’t want to major in music but I often find myself wishing I could find some way to create a great tune to all of the lyrics floating around in my head. I could learn about world religion and philosophy and how goodness is great and all that mumbo jumbo, that appeals greatly to my psychological side. Hey! Why not psychology? I love understanding why people think things and why they even think at all, I could learn all about the cosmos, I like stars and learning how planets come into existence. O man, I think what all this is getting to is something that I think I’ve already concluded subconsciously, and that is Physics… I know what you’re thinking; Physics equals heroic math skills and abilities. I’ve never been particularly good at math but for some reason I want to get good at it and truthfully I think that physics applies to and appeals to all of those sides in me that I’ve just talked about. It is a grand puzzle, it is art, it is philosophy, it is nature, it is poetry, it is the building blocks of understanding everything there is, even God. If you know me at all tell me that this little explanation of physics taken from Wikipedia doesn’t sound like the very person I am,
Physics (from Ancient Greek: φύσις physis "nature") is a natural science that involves the study of matter[1] and its motion through spacetime, as well as all related concepts, including energy and force.[2] More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.
There it is folks, I’m taking baby steps to this college thing but this is my ultimate goal. Out off all of those other things that I love I think that this embodies all of them into one grand…some word I can’t think of… and to me this is the most utterly fascinating thing there is, I mean come on, who doesn’t inherently yearn to understand matter’s continual motion through spacetime and how the universe behaves? I mean seriously, there is nothing better. It’s what taught me how to write in the first place, the creak of my swing and the shine of the stars, now, tell me is that not physics? I say it is and it imbues the perfect mixture of spirit vs. law, art vs. math and every subject in-between. It adheres perfectly to my artistic and analytical sides and passions. It is the beautiful forgiving sunset, yet it also displays its unchanging rule of consequence. It is as God is, and faith in a religion is only the basis and beginning to understating Godhood. We must not only search the scriptures but we must also learn how our universe functions to truly understand the way our God functions. I believe that with all my heart because I believe that God is that He is, and that he only is God because He understands matter, he understands spacetime, he understands energy and force, and truly He understand how the very ends of the universe behave. Hmmm… Maybe my passion for creating art mixed with my desire to learn the stricter notions of reality might end up becoming something great, truthfully, who knows…    

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