Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Get Low

O my goodness, well, it is official. At about three o’clock last night something really awesome happened. I fell in love… with an amazing movie. Get Low had no trouble entering my heart as a beautiful movie that is truly remarkable. Robert Duvall as Felix Bush portrays perfectly a self isolated hermit who has come out of the woods to throw a Funeral Party for himself while he is still alive! Sissy Spacek plays Mattie Darrow, the only person in town who knew Felix from years before, and Bill Murray plays the funeral director who puts on Felix’s Funeral Party.
It will make you laugh, it will break your heart, it will cause you to love and see the goodness in people. I think the movie is beautiful and I love it very much so. I definitely recommend it to anyone who has been yearning for a half decent movie to watch lately. I think I should be a movie critic. I think I am a movie critic. I know what movies are good. I know what makes a good movie. I know what movies are not worth a thought in the head, which are in my opinion more than half of the movies that make it to theaters, but through the infinite, frivolous trivialities of movies that are made there are a few that really get it right, and Get Low is one of them. I think I need a top ten movie list now… sigh…   

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