Friday, April 15, 2011

We need to remember...

It’s difficult to be unbiased of the present, but the present will be the past soon enough. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and time travel for a moment. Play back in your mind the events that have happened in your life. What are the moments that stick out to you, and then ponder why it is that they do stick out. What we humans naturally do is something that makes karma happen. Right now, in this point in time we live our lives doing the things that we want to do everyday whatever those things might be. But when you look back, what is it that you remember? These events that we remember in our lives stick out beyond those things we do every day. Something I believe is that these moments are the things that meant the very most to us, the very most to our most intimate and personal sides. Those are the moments that we love, or if it is this way, the moments that we wish we could forget because they were horrible. I hope the sweetest moments come to mind first though.
Now, we can’t help but live in the present, and that's what we should do. We should live in the present, but we should look forward to the future while remembering and honoring the past. How do we do all of those things at the same time? Well, I don’t know, I haven’t figured it out yet but I know that’s what we need to do.
One thing though, not to be negative, but I think that for the most part we as people forget too easily. I’m not saying we should get stuck on past events, which I’m not saying I haven’t done, but I ask, what is the purpose in emotion? Is it its purpose to just fizzle out with no reason for it ever being felt in the first place? No, it is there for a grand purpose, it is what causes us to learn and press forward in our lives, but sadly it can also destroy us. It can cause us to fly, or it can make us sick. We need to remember, as we remember every Sunday the Atonement of Christ. Why are we to remember? We remember because it is the single most passionate event that has ever taken place. We remember because it is the greatest ends of emotion that has ever been felt. But do we get hung up on it and get horribly depressed because of how painful it was for our Savior? No, we feel how we interpret that great event in our hearts every Sunday when we remember, and we cry, but we progress, we progress toward bettering ourselves and becoming more Christ like, and toward Eternal life.
We all have our moments of great emotional distress or happiness, but what are we to do with those moments after they have passed? We are to remember them, and love them for what they were, because those are the moments that define us and they are the moments that cause us to grow and to find out what it means to truly love. Truly love because that is the ends of all emotion, because that is what made the Atonement possible in the first place, it was love that did it, true love. But alas, to the greatest ends on the positive side of the spectrum that comes from these great emotional events in our lives, often times we as imperfect human beings slip and go the opposite direction with our emotions. This is not what it means to love, these negative feelings can be overwhelmingly powerful over our consciousness and drag us down to the pits of despair, and the darkest abyss. I have to say that I’ve greatly struggled with this place and still do often, but even though I struggle I know what is true, and that is why I write of truth. I know that I can write of my heart’s desire even if my mind is plagued with shadows, ghosts, and demons that bind me to that darkness. I know what is true despite my weaknesses, and I know that if I write of it than I will, one day receive it, whether it be here in this life or the next.
I say that we need to remember those amazing moments in our lives and never forget them, and never abuse those memories, for they are sacred. To end, I say that that is the only way we can truly progress.       

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