Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do I look different?

It's like I'm a completely different person...
compare to previous blog post...sigh...
Do I look different? I can hardly stand it. I just read over my last blog post and it is mighty depressing and sad and strange. The fact of the matter is, is that right now I am perfectly fine and alright with my life. I feel like I can really get a grasp on reality and I feel able and clear right now. It’s almost like I get lost in these hazes that come over my mind and I just feel horrible about everything. I hate it because right now I am not only not depressed, but I feel confident in my abilities and in the future. And I am not unhappy, I am happy… I am completely able to accept reality and get a move on in my life. I am filled with excitement and just want to live free from those strange moments in time that I face all the time. I wonder about why I feel like this now and why I feel those horrible ways other times. It is not external influences that make me horribly depressed and sad, because those same influences are just every bit surrounding when I am happy about my life as well. Sometimes I wish I was not burdened by the consequences of my actions when I am so gloomy and unable to cope because it’s like those times I am not myself, and then when I am alright it’s like I have to fight through all those weeds I’ve created for myself when I was down. I just shouldn’t write when I’m like that because I always wonder what affects my writings have on my actual life. Sometimes I wish that I had never had those issues, but then I think that if I never had than I would have never gone hiking, or looked up at the stars, or written anything in the first place. That is a sad thought to me because I think I have been blest in my dreary nights and created wonderful things, but I want to be freed from that burden and excel in this world. I want to excel with my unique perspective on life and somehow not let this crippling problem always bring me down into the depths of heartbreaking despair every time. I hope and pray that I’ve helped people and touched people with my unique perspective but at the same time I hope I’ve not scared anyone. My blessing is my curse and it is a difficult road to travel, but I do travel it, and even when my mind is in a fog my never changing desire to help people and love people is still there, but it’s like I don’t know how to because I am constrained by my own illness, and I fear that I often times make people uncomfortable when I try to help, so I withdraw from people, because I think that is the best way I can help so I don’t inappropriately interfere with others affairs, whereas when I am strong and about myself as I feel now, I feel like I can do anything and be some sort of guiding light and strength to others, but overcoming the doubts that I’ve placed in people’s minds when I am lost is tremendous. It is so frustrating. At this moment I don’t feel at all hopelessly sad as how I felt when I wrote that last blog post. I do still have my desires and am frustrated in my choices from before but it is like I can accept the consequences of them and move on without a horrible sensation of torment. I am in this predicament now that I will be ambitious in my near proceedings, and it truly feels good to start out on these new and worthy tasks but am continually bound by the fact that I simply, as I have done so many times before, will fail in following through on my worthy tasks because I do get so sporadically, desperately hopeless and feel as though I cannot cope with the everyday livings of life. I take a deep breath and sigh because I want to be freed from those chains that bind my mind and torment my heart. I don’t know what to do. I want so badly to be me. I am catching glimpses of who it is that I really am through all those thick fogs. I want to be me and change this world for the better. Before it is like I am crippled by the impeding fear that I’ll never find love, but now it does not cripple me at all because I know that I just have to be me and I can have anything that I want, and I want so much. I don’t desire the riches of this world but I want so much in the way of being able to shine my light to those people who might be in a fog that I’ve become all too acquainted with. I understand people and ideas that people have and I know the patterns of destruction, I know the hearts of those I associate with and I can do so much when I am me. But when that fog shades over my mind I have no ability, I have no spark for life, I become fearful of my future and of losing those I love. I’ve said it once but I’ll say it a hundred times that it is so eternally frustrating not being able to be consistently stable in my emotional and mental state. I am not how I was when I wrote that last post, that was not me, because that was a sad, fear filled person that can’t get a grip on anything. This is me right now, at least I think because I know that I am strong and able and I am a strength to those around me when I am me. How can I keep this way of thinking? How can I stay this way? I don’t know. As how Dr. Bruce Banner must feel as he starts to transform into the Incredible Hulk, I feel that fog come over my mind and I am slowly confounded in my mental state of being. It is the oddest sensation and I am sorry for anyone who’s seen that happen, I really am sorry, but I just don’t know what to do about it. I will figure something out because I am sure of it. But I just don’t know how yet. I will be alright and I will have a good, not just normal life, but an exceptional life, because I know, not boasting, but I know that I am different than most in my perspective of this world. I know that I will overcome this hardship and find that life that I yearn for. I know that I can be happy and I pray for all those who are struggling with those sad, depressing, hopeless feelings, because they truly are heartbreaking feelings, especially when you know or see someone struggling with those problems. It is even more heartbreaking to know that someone is struggling but because you yourself are in a fog am unable to help. It is so difficult, so please don’t ever not have compassion on someone who is hurting. Get over your own issues and extend a hand, and love. Don’t hate, don’t degrade others, don’t even jokingly insult or make rude comments to others, don’t intentionally try to hinder another person’s progress. Why would anyone ever do those things? It is so frustrating to see and hear what is acceptable in how people just naturally talk to each other these days. Please be good to people and don’t let any underhanded comment escape your lips. Just love people. I know intimately the struggles people can have and there is no reason to turn a blind eye to someone because of things they’ve done or said. Even people that have done really bad things deserve compassion and love, because of that very reason, they are people. They are children of God and every soul is great in His eyes. We will have no excuses when it comes to loving people in this life. And we will be held accountable for those people that we hurt here and now. Even the smallest things we will be held accountable for, I say it will be the smallest things that will be the biggest things that rack our conscience when our memories are made clear. Please don’t judge people by their imperfect actions. Understand and know, and have a clear idea of you ideals and standards but don’t criticize those who are just trying to make it in this life who are not up to your level. Please, look upon someone with new eyes the next time you see someone, and see them as a soul that is struggling to understand this life, because I believe that even those who seemingly have it all together, that is what they are doing deep down, trying to understand their purpose and place here in the world. Just be good to people regardless of their own problems and be understanding I implore you. I will end this now because I need to go to sleep but I pray that we can really understand this thing that I’ve talked about. Just love people, just do that and you’ll be set forever, I can guarantee it. Regardless of any other issues you struggle with, if you can forget your own selfish thoughts when it comes to other people and love them regardless of how they might have even wronged you, you will find mercy in the eyes of God, and you will be alright. It is all true, so just do it…

Well, that’s that. I find it difficult to end these pages I write like this without saying in the name of Jesus Christ Amen… :) and I don’t really ever know how to end this type of paper without doing that so I'll say it. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.   :)       

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Am I stuck?

What am I to do? Should I just forget everything I know and start over completely? I take a deep breath and think that if I do that than I’ll miss out on everything I do know. I just don’t know if I’ll ever be truly happy again. I feel like I’m just living, ever un-attaining happiness. I stumbled upon a hefty amount of old pictures yesterday and I’m not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I looked through them and I felt things I’ve not felt for so long. I felt this thing inside of my chest that seemed to clear all of the debris and garbage away from my soul. As I took a walk down memory lane it was as if I could truly smile, and I felt happy, it was an odd sensation, but then I cried more than I had for quite awhile. It was, in those short moments like bringing back a life that I selfishly took away. How on earth are we to know what the spirit feels like when our bodies are bombarded by sometimes unimaginable feelings that surround on all sides? Galatians 5:22, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.
I try to trick myself sometimes to make myself think that I am happy, and sometimes I think I might even believe it, and I try so, so hard to embody all of those fruits of the spirit, but I am not happy. And I don’t care what anyone says, you can’t choose to be happy when you simply are not. You can choose to do good regardless of how you feel but you cannot think yourself happy, trying to do that will only drive you insane. Doing good, yes, it helps you to learn how to love, and it does bring a temporary true peace that you can see in the eternally grateful eyes of those you’ve helped, but one needs a lasting goodness to happen to oneself. I felt all of those fruits when confronted with those beautiful memories contained in those pictures and it was wonderful I can truly say. I had then, true happiness but I didn’t appreciate it and now I’ve been left to intimately learn what it means to long suffer. I’ve been searching for it ever since and I don’t know if I’ll ever attain it again. My dreams have either set me free, or they have damned me, and I have learned longsuffering in order to find out. Longsuffering is a fruit of the spirit so I assume that it is a good thing, but am I suffering needlessly? I am doing all that I can, but it seems as though it is not enough for this world and those people that govern it. I think within the next few weeks I’ll be finding out some very important things that might clarify some of my issues. But until then I simply just don’t know what to do, because my efforts to do nearly anything are always shot to pieces when I try. Am I disabled? Am I weak? Am I stuck in a place that I can’t get out of no matter how hard I try? I dreamt when I was young that I would be vividly lost in this life but that one day I would be set free from that cornfield of fog and confusion, that horrible place I feel like I am right now. I am searching but I find nothing, have I become unworthy for God to come through on his part, and I am hoping in vain? This thing I do know, that there is a God, and that He has a Son. I know that I am lost as well even though I try to do what’s right. I know that I have been blest greatly even in my fog. I know that vivid dreams I’ve had in the past have been literally fulfilled in front of my eyes, but other dreams I’ve had tell me that I will live a great life and that I will find that true un-ending peace again, but I simply don’t know at all how, since I am seemingly unable to accomplish anything of any use in this world. Am I of anything good, or am I lost forever? I think that as long as I continue to try to make other people happy than I’ll not be damned on judgment day, but what of today I ask? If I could talk with God face to face I would ask Him three things; I would ask him for forgiveness firstly, and as I was beginning to cry I would ask Him about my dreams, then with all of my heart I would ask Him to help me forgive so that my dreams could come true. I suppose God really does know what He is doing, but I can’t see passed the end of my nose because my future to me looks pretty bleak. Where is that hand that will have mercy upon me despite all of my shortcomings and reach out for me and save me from this squall? I don’t know, just keep hoping and have faith I suppose even when you can’t breathe, and I suppose you either will be saved, or you won’t. And I just don’t know which one of those I will be at this time.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Hike

I went hiking yesterday for the first time in quite a while. I went to Battle Creek Falls up American Fork canyon and took with me my camera, a notebook and pen. I would have taken my laptop but I am sadly out of one at this time. There is a genuineness to the meek pen and paper though, especially out in nature. It is short, but this is what I wrote:
As I sit here in front of this waterfall, I think about what my purpose really is here in this life. I feel and think so much differently out here when I can breathe the fresh air of nature. It is almost like I can hear what that waterfall is trying to say, and it is inspiring and definitely clearing.
I find myself searching for something; something I am not sure even exists anymore. Either it does exist and I am the only one who sees the vision of it, or I really have just lost my mind and there is no saving me. Sometimes I am so sure of myself, and other times I am lost as to what is even real.
Sitting here on these rocks, watching the sun go down over the city to my right and the water fall to my left, I think that this really is a different world out here, even just mere miles that separate the congested, confusing city lights from the natural, mostly untainted truths of nature. Even time seems to flow differently out here as opposed to my life in the city. Sometimes it feels like I am lost in a vortex of darkness that makes even time and light go by slowly and inconsistently from which I just can’t escape in the city. Those are the times I am confused and distorted in my thoughts, those are the times I feel bad about myself, but these thoughts I have out here are, and I can’t deny it, beautiful and inspiring. I am inspired to love life and to share that love with others when I am out here partaking in even the simple grandeur that is this waterfall. How can I keep these feelings about me all the time, even in the city, this is where I need to stand out so as to be able to share with others my thoughts in a clear, un-hazily, un-distant manner. This is where I need to bring those inspiring ideas to those around me in friendly acceptable ways without seeming as if I am trying to speak truths through a fog of misconception. I just want to love people, and I want people to know that I love them, and not think that I’ve just lost my mind. Sometimes I feel I have though, but not when I’m out here. This is where I can really understand my potential without those horrible sinking feelings that come over me so often. What am I to do? I suppose I am to simply keep trying my best and something will come. I just have to keep believing and pray that my weaknesses will not stop the blessings I am searching for to come to me. Maybe I should stop searching and just live my life with these beliefs in my heart.
I look out upon those city lights and I feel something I simply can’t explain in words. Maybe I feel something that others who’ve felt misplaced in their roles throughout history have felt in their hearts as they too have searched for something they long for. Something they too have felt like they’ve been eternally separated from, something they seemingly can never get back. Maybe I will someday be reunited with that clarity of thought and soul and eventually get back home. I don’t know how but I yearn for it, I hope for it, and I pray for it. I believe in my dreams, I can’t help it, it is just something that I can’t deny, and I never will.

Well, that’s that. I have to believe that what I’ve written is something good, because I was in a very good place, geographically and mentally when I wrote it. Goodbye for now my dear friends, until next time.

                                    A fellow hiker was able to take this pic of me. I think it pretty cool.

Monday, March 21, 2011

This is a long one...

Today I am going to write about my life and where it is going. I am drawing upon my most real thoughts that even I don’t usually post on my blog. This is going to be straight talk, no nonsense, no jazz, just my legitimate ideas. My legitimate thoughts and ideas on my relationships, the church, school, work, and last but not least, my mental health and where I fit in with this world. Don’t read on if you can’t take it or don’t want to know the actualities of my hazy, yet all too real life. I apologize right now if there is anyone that reads my blog that I don’t know about and if I offend you. These are simply my thoughts, thoughts that we all have but don’t usually portray on the surface to others other than those very close to us. I believe that the only ones who read my blog are those who are very close to me, but if there are others, I do not mind if you read, but just know that I do not write with you in mind so I am sorry if you become offended by anything I do write.
This blog is a physical form of my inner most thoughts. I only have it because writing has always helped me understand the state of which I am in mentally, which knowledge has literally in the past saved my life. I am not often this straight forward with even myself, but I need badly at this time to write this out for my own benefit, because writing has always given me concise, direct control of my thoughts in a manner that I can shape and form into whatever outcome I desire, whereas if they simply stay in my head, they only ever just drift aimlessly and I end up in another dark limbo that I’ve created for myself built only with intangible thoughts. Those few of you who do read my blog that I know about have only been invited to in the first place because I believe it is no good to write if there will be utterly no one to read what has been written, but my words, along with my thoughts are not for everyone to openly gawk at and criticize however they may. They are for the few I trust to responsibly and genuinely look upon. They are for only my dearest, closest friends and family. These words that I am about to write are genuine, however I have realized from past experience that I am sometimes mislead in my thoughts because of this damn haze that follows me around. I don’t know why, I do not do drugs, I do not drink, but my head simply hurts nearly all the time and it feels as though I am living in a foggy world of thoughts clashing with realities and it confuses me often as to what I can trust to be real.
There was a time, I suppose now has been over two years ago when I did not eat or sleep for nearly a week. I couldn’t, food made me vomit, and trying to sleep was useless, for I just tossed and turned horribly, nearing the end of this week though I genuinely thought that I had died. Like I said, I have never been addicted to drugs, but not eating and sleeping for long periods of time has a way of producing hallucinogenic states and euphoria’s stronger than that of the effects of marijuana. I am reading a lot about this now because it has always been a problem for me but has just recently been brought to my attention that it is for me an actual crippling disorder. I always felt horrible about myself because I thought that I was weak, but now I realize that I’ve held up much better than most have in similar situations as mine, which is why it’s taken so long for others to realize that I seriously need medical help. I’ve been told that trying to function normally with such issues as mine might be compared to trying to run a marathon with two broken legs. Wikipedia say:     A 2001 study at Chicago Medical Institute suggested that sleep deprivation may be linked to serious diseases, such as heart disease and mental illnesses including psychosis and bipolar disorder.[22] The link between sleep deprivation and psychosis was further documented in 2007 through a study at Harvard Medical School and the University of California at Berkeley. The study revealed, using MRI scans, that lack of sleep causes the brain to become incapable of putting an emotional event into the proper perspective and incapable of making a controlled, suitable response to the event. Sleep deprivation may have been the underlying cause of the overdose deaths of celebrities Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith and Michael Jackson.
It all makes so much more sense now why I’ve infinitely struggled with emotionally clearing events from my past, because I am pretty much incapable of doing so. My mind is broken, but I am not broken. I am still here, and by God I will make it in this world somehow.
Well, now that I’ve talked about the last thing first, nearly everything else doesn’t seem too important because everything else is directly impacted by the first thing I talked about. But here we go anyway.
Work is something I’ve really struggled in finding, but I’ve probably got a job in the summer driving a shuttle for seniors and disabled folk. I know it doesn’t sound that great to most people but I actually really hope I get this job. I think I would really enjoy it, I just have that quirk about helping the disabled and I enjoy driving as well. My friend Ryan who I help on Saturdays, who has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair told me about this job. I really would like it, however if I do not get this job I am not going to be going to Minnesota as I was originally planning on. I just can’t go back out there anytime soon for a long period of time, I need to stabilize my life here and now as soon as I can. If I don’t get this job I have another option working for the church in special needs. I don’t know why I’ve always been pulled toward this line of work, but I think it might be my calling in life. I really do relate to and enjoy the company of those with physical and mental disabilities.
School, I think sadly, that I am going to fail once again in the college setting but I am at least going to finish this semester. That is a step in the right direction. It is really depressing though for me because I only wonder if I’ll ever be able to be freed from this fog that shades over my mind continually. I want to learn so badly but I need to address these more immediate concerns that have recently come to my attention first. I believe I will pass at least my auto class and hopefully my English class, math is up in the air, and though I enjoy it very much so I find myself failing the tests. Art, I have just nixed because I simply can’t multi task at this time the amount that is necessary to do so for passing the class. Not that I don’t enjoy it as well but I would rather pass my Math and English classes before art, and auto is just far too easy not to pass, at least I think so at this time.   
Now church. I just gave a talk in sacrament meeting today, and though he shook my hand and said that he appreciated my talk, I think my bishop thinks I am trying to organize my own religion! I didn’t say anything that I don’t firmly believe falls into the concepts and beliefs of the LDS church, but I suppose some of the things I said might have been misconstrued as being the gospel according to Jake. sigh… I was told by a fellow, much revered church going member though that he loved my talk and that I should get it published! In presumably some philosophical magazine, or he might have even meant a legitimate church sponsored publication, who knows. I simply laughed and thanked him for the comment and slipped out the side door of church as quickly as I could so as to not be inundated with smiling, cheerful people who just can’t help but let me know that they loved my talk. It happens every time I give a talk and I simply never know what to say other than “thank you.” I was stopped only three times by people who “really appreciated” my talk before I safely made it off of the premises. The church is indeed true though and I will never not believe that, however, if I was not utterly engrained in the church and didn’t have an undeniable faith in it that it is true,…*cough… I would organize a new religion… :) BUT, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true and everlasting church once again established on the Earth in the last days never to be taken away again, just so we are all one hundred percent clear that I know that to be true.
Finally, here we are. My relationships. I have a very big problem with this thing I call my close associations. I truthfully pray that I do not offend anyone at all, because I mean no offense. But I need to write it out as I did the other topics in my life to be complete and non missing in my life operations. Over the course of the last few months I have gone on a number of dates, some with the same person and others with different people. I know that this thing is very healthy for me socially and I believe that I could start a closer relationship with some of these beautiful young ladies if I really wanted to. The problem is, is that I don’t want to. I do desire to share my thoughts in person, unhindered by fears and stumbling blocks with someone I can trust to gently hold my throbbing head in that type of intimate way, but I feel as though I would only be leading some of these girls on. I cannot bring myself to use a girl for the sole purpose of simply wanting to be with someone and no other reason. I want to be with someone because I have a strong desire to be with that person, not because I have a strong fear of being alone. There is a very distinct difference. I would rather be alone than be with someone simply to be with someone where there is none of that original passion of crazy butterflies and wondrous childlike excitement. These dates I have gone on have been really fun, and my dates have been beautiful but I have found myself wondering when I’ll ever feel that wonderful desire creep up in me again for someone that really catches my eye. I am not currently looking for someone to be married to only for the reason that I need to seriously get a stronger foothold in this world before I start to even look into that. Though I have often thought that if I did have someone I could find that needed love and support in, finding my foothold in this life would be incalculably easier. So basically, my future is simply in the hands of the Lord I think. I am receiving help with my mind, I am trying my best in school, and in finding legitimate work, and lastly I am actively seeking someone I can let genuinely hold my head well I rest my eyes without worry or fear that I would be using them for only that reason of rest. I could probably rest my eyes in the arms of an girl I found attractive, but the peace that comes with that type of embrace for me is almost sacred because of how much I yearn for it, so I will not abuse those moments in brief, insincere events that I see all too often in casual hangout sessions, particularly rampant on the premises of BYU campus. Now let me get my grumpy old man on and rant a little bit to end this long blog post. Go on more dates and hangout less, don’t intimately hold someone unless you are currently dating, don’t hold someone else if you are dating another person, it is fine to date multiple different people at the same time but only for brief moments in time to determine who it is that you really would like to date for longer term. There are more but when these basic rules in dating are not kept it only breeds an atmosphere of confusion and senseless frustration, which than leads to people choosing at least on the surface to not care as much, which leads to less and less meaningful and intimate relationships, which leads to everyone just holding everyone else for only the very surface means of physical attraction and continually numbing the event of eventually finding that childlike spark of exciting beginning love I genuinely search for.  …but, as with all things there are exceptions… it is in the eyes of those who are upon the situation in any given circumstance to determine when these exceptions are appropriate, but the core ideals of proper dating etiquette must be primarily upheld by those making the decisions to partake in an exception to a rule for it to be regarded as a justified and responsible action.
I am done with my serious lecture I suppose you can call it. I am done writing tonight. I need to sleep now and let my mind rest. I continually pray for a better day. It is getting better all the time even on the bad days, because for the most part, the bad days are getting less and less bad. I hope this trend continues and I don’t bottom out again anytime soon. Prayers are appreciated. I have always accepted those from anyone who would be willing to pray for me. Thank you so much all of my dear friends and family. Goodbye for now and goodnight.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Two Star Trek Nerds...

On our excursion to Sandy today for an HP laptop battery, Ryan said to me, “You are the most funniest person I know.” To which I just laughed and said, “I know, I’m pretty funny huh?”
Later, after picking up KFC for us to eat, he made some remark that I don’t remember what it was, but I told him that I ought to slap him in the back of the head for it, and then reminded him that he’s slapped me in the back of the head a few times before, to which he promptly replied, “Yeah because you were being a jackass those times!”  I just laughed because I know it’s Ryan’s favorite thing to do to give me a hard time. He laughed too as we ate our chicken and mashed potatoes. He promptly reassured that he still loved me though and we were still friends. I said, “I know Ryan.”
I suppose it’s been nearly four years since I’ve known Ryan and we’ve been through the ringer together. He’s seen me at my very worst and he helped me through it. I’ve seen him lose some of his very closest friends as well and even more recently his long time cat. I think we’ve a unique friendship. I originally was paid through another organization to work for Ryan, but now I just work for him. Even though Ryan is technically my boss, I don't see it that way and neither does he. It’s more of a symbiotic friendship than it is a type of employment.
Shortly after I met Ryan, we realized that we both have an affinity toward Star Trek. He has all of the seasons of all of the series’ on both DVD and VHS, all of the TV specials, reunions, and documentaries, and more than multiples of all of the movies. He even has a signed William Shatner photo encased in an official United Federation of Planets plaque, (which is the wallpaper photo on my phone) and a life size cardboard cutout of Captain Jean Luc Picard.
Anyway, one fateful day long ago we popped in disc one of the original series, and have since watched Star Trek in chronological order ever Friday, and or Saturday I’ve been in town. We have currently watched all of the original series with Captain James T. Kirk, all of the original movies, and we just watched Unification parts one and two today from season five of The Next Generation with Captain Picard. It was an especially good episode because it was like bringing up memories from the past because Leonard Nemoy returned as Spock in The Next Generation series and alluded to Captain Kirk who at this time in the Canon of Star Trek was long dead. (Vulcans live a lot longer than humans by the way by a few hundred years…) And also, Denise Crosby who played Tasha Yar in season one who was quite unceremoniously killed in the episode Skin of Evil by an ugly sludge monster with strictly plot driven powers, returned as her Romulan daughter! I can guarantee no one ever saw that coming! If you don’t know this, Romulans are the same species as Vulcans but do not share the same logical statutes.
Anyway it was an incredible two part episode. The crew of the enterprise, with the help of the Romulus underground led by Spock was able to thwart Sela’s(Yar’s Romulan daughter) conniving plan to, by means of secret combinations overthrow the Vulcan Counsel and seize control of their home world. Sadly Sarak, Spocks father died in this episode but in previous episodes had shared a mind meld with Picard. The ending scene portrayed Spock performing a mind meld with Picard since Spock had never done so with his father, but Picard had which meant he had the essence of everything that was left of Sarak. So, Spock was able to become at peace with his father’s death through Captain Picard with the final mind meld. It was very sad but moving as well. Call me a nerd but Star Trek is awesome!
That’s all today folks. As you can tell I am feeling much better about life and just am happy to be alive. Goodbye for now my dear friends.        

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,
I just want to say thank you. Thank you for always being there for me, letting me post my long, unorganized rants, letting me share all of my poetry with you, all of my crazy ideas and even some downright weird thoughts with you. You let me do all of this and not once did you ever judge me, or think I was stupid, or crazy, or emotionally unstable, even when it was blatantly obvious I was. You have always been there in my time of need; you have given me much purpose in this life. You were there in the beginning when I lost a whole family of loved ones, you were there through my recovery process, you were there when I fell in love again, you were there when I chose to leave, you were there when I found out that I was sick, you were there through all of my tears, you were there through it all, and I don’t know what I would have done without you. But at this moment I just don’t think I can write anymore. You have lightened my burdens but I am burdened once again with a new trial that I have found has come upon my mind. I am just too sad right now to continue to write. I never thought that this thing would ever plague me, but here I am now, forever flawed in my thoughts, forever stained in my ideas, and left wondering how significantly this newly realized trial has affected my clarity and judgment in the past. I thought that I was something unique in my beliefs, but now I realize that I am only unique in the fact that I am sick. The shattered fragments of my beautiful ideas are flowing down a river of fresh tears. My tears are indeed flowing once again, and they are washing away the foundation I’ve built so many of my very own beliefs upon. I am becoming undone because the ideas that have held me together in the past I’ve realized have mostly been false ideas. I really just don’t know what to believe anymore, and even though I still yearn to create beauty I am at a loss to understanding whether or not most of the things I have created are truly beautiful, or are simply the fanciful concoctions of an unwell mind. This is why I must stop writing, because I used it as a form of therapy, but now I think that I might have let myself be completely deluded and misguided by the very things I have written, thinking that they really are something great which makes me something great as well, when in reality I am handicapped and paralyzed. Dear blog, this is all for now. I have greatly appreciated your willingness to support my ideas, even if they were crazy. I will hopefully come back one day when I have accomplished overcoming this new trial and have found a new life free from delusions and the other misguided thoughts. You’ve been really great to me, but goodbye for now dear Blog. Until we meet again.
-Your pal in writing, Jake

Monday, March 14, 2011

My OCD about Truth

My OCD about Truth
My life is continually colored by masses of unbalanced chemicals produced by my brain. Basically what I mean be that is I can hardly ever trust the way I am feeling. These torrents of fluctuating emotions are a problem in and of themselves, but it triggers and creates another crippling problem. That is that I don’t ever really know what is normal or the way I should feel, which makes another problem which causes me to question the very existence of reality. I walk a careful line in this problem because if I can understand that this really is a problem than I can keep my mind about me and be rational in real life, but if I start to lose myself in this world of strange, never consistent thoughts and feelings, which I regret to say that I have a few times in the past, than I start to believe along the same lines of how I feel. I mean by this, that the things I know to be true, and the things I feel are not the same thing. For example, there are moments when I feel that I have really messed my life up and I can’t ever make it better, and there are moments when I feel like I’ve really hurt or scared someone by things I might have said to them and because of that they will never want to see me again, but for the most part I know those things aren’t true even though I experience the emotional consequences of if they had been true. I don’t know why this burdens me, but it has caused me to search out and yearn for something never changing and always consistent, and what I’ve found in my searching through the foggy corridors of my mind is that the only thing that never changes is truth itself. This is what I have designated as my constant in this life. That no matter how many waves of clashing and horrendously painful emotions are aroused in me I have that Iron Rod that I can clasp a hold to with all my strength and heart. This is why I am fascinated with true principles, true people, true events, and anything else that embodies this light that is truth itself. This has caused me to look for truth in other people, and caused me to be attracted to people with that type of unique truth in them that I can see, because they are being in physical form my constants. It is strange I know but I can only do what I can do. Long story short, I need the truth, because it is beautiful, and my negative, painful, inconsistent emotions are not. Truth is truth and it never changes, and in this truth that has just been given, this is where lies Eternal Salvation.          

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where are your eyes looking?

I hope this makes sense to someone...

I recently have been feeling very uninspired. But I just cleaned my room, made my bed, and had a very long conversation with Heavenly Father(something I think we all need to do more often… you know, clean your room then make your bed, and then have a conversation with Heavenly Father. Prayers become something much more than just talking to your bed when you’ve made an effort to clean what you can around you before starting the conversation.) Well, anyway, my knees started to ache but I was too enthralled in feelings I’ve not felt for awhile. What did I get out of my conversation this night? I found something very important, almost as if it were a gem that I’d lost once upon a time. Let me tell you what I learned tonight by telling you of a conflict of understating that I’ve had with the spirit. I’ve always tried my very best to understand the spirit, and let me tell you, it can be confusing sometimes. Confusing, like you might feel the spirit sometimes, but whatever thought you were having that you thought was the spirit never came to fruition. Then you might think that it must not have been the spirit. But nay I say to that. If we pull ourselves out of this rut of trying to figure out what the spirit feels like in any given situation, and focus on what it doesn’t feel like, then is when I believe we can truly be inspired as to what to do. I feel like the next things I say need to be put a very specific way, so I will do my best to translate my thoughts to you in this matter, so focus on the words I use to describe this. To put it plainly, I believe you can know the spirit is speaking when there is no creeping, or looming, or unresolved feeling in your thoughts. These thoughts usually are accompanied by natural, physical responses such as, most prominently, blankly looking down and to the left. Don’t ask me why I say that, but I think it’s true. But here is where I think people get confused upon this matter of determining the spirit from personal desires. If you are praying about something and there is no looming feeling that it is wrong, one might assume that it is right, but after nothing comes of this right feeling, even when prayed about again and again then they get all frustrated that it must not have been the spirit speaking. I could say that you just have to have faith and believe it was still the spirit telling you it was right even if nothing was ever going to come of it to simply try your faith. I could say that, and yes, God does try our faith sometimes, but I think there is a more legitimate road to understanding this thing than to simply say it was to try our faith. Please read this, When nothing comes after you’re positive that it was the spirit telling you it was right, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t right. What I’m saying is, wrong things happen in this world all the time, and yes, it is a tragedy when angels come down and work so hard to inspire someone in goodness, to simply have those beautiful truths that they whisper to our souls broken to pieces by other people who are, at the same time being inspired by the angels of the devil.
I just want to say that the spirit is with us when we show a little respect and faith by getting down on our knees, and simply addressing Heavenly Father and speaking as if we were speaking to someone we love. (Also close in the name of His Son Jesus Christ.) Also, I want to say more about this blankly looking down and to the left. It is what I do a lot when I’m trying to justify in my mind doing something I truly know isn’t right, and I’ve noticed that a lot of other people do it to from observing even complete strangers conversations with each other. I need to emphasize the “blankly” because I think people look down and to the left in other situations but not blankly, such as coming to a profound conclusion, that is more of an actively searching looking down and to the left, it usually is accompanied by a furrowed brow. Well, anyway I’ve told you that I like to observe people and mimic what they do to get a better understanding of what they truly were feeling and thinking. And that’s my problem with myself, because I can’t really observe myself as another would observe me. That is why I struggle with understanding who it is that I am because I can’t mimic myself, I just am myself. Well, back to what I was saying. This blankly staring down and to the left, from what I’ve felt about it is that we are not actually looking at anything in the physical world but rather we are searching our own soul for a never attainable sense of permission in carrying out whatever act it is that we want to do that might not be right. So, and I have to say that at least for myself, when I find myself looking down and to the left after contemplating doing something I’m uncertain of, that is usually, I think inspiration enough that it is not an idea of the spirit but rather my own wisdom that is flawed and human. I feel as though I’ve been looking down and to the left quite a lot lately. That is why I’ve been feeling very uninspired in my actions because I’m justifying too much doing the wrong thing. I have to do what I think is the right thing, and I will do it no matter what. No matter if I end up looking like a fool, because I’ve already done that plenty doing wrong things. I will as Nephi said, go and do. I will choose the right even if I am shunned, or made fun of. I will even if I think it might hurt someone’s feelings because I can solemnly handle a person being mad at me even though it makes me sad, but I can’t stand the Lord being disappointed in my actions or unwillingness to do action.
Ps. Also, when someone is presented with something that is true and touches their hearts they might also then look down and to the left because I do it all the time. That doesn’t mean it’s not true, it means we are either trying to make it not true because we don’t want to accept it, or we do accept it and are ashamed of ourselves. For crying out loud people, just do what’s right, let the consequence follow. Show some faith and stand up when you want to shrink and then when you do shrink, shrink with a prayer in your heart that you’ll have the strength to stand up again. Please, please, do what’s right.
Well, this is what I was inspired to write about this night after my conversation with Heavenly Father. Please respect my thoughts and respect yours as well, goodnight.

Friday, March 11, 2011


“Pure mathematics is in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.”
-Albert Einstein  

This quote gave me butterflies.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

a little high...

Forgive me if this is an odd post. I think I’ve been a wee bit high these last few days from the freshly painted walls in my room. I’m twitchy, paranoid, and I’ve been having strong desires to imitate scitzo villains in the movies. “do you want to know how I got these scars?”
Well, anyway, in an attempt to keep my blog still uplifting I will talk about school. I love school.
Now, I’ll talk about a life question that I’m really concerned about. And I’m asking it in the form of asking it as if I’m saying that someone else asked me it, to try and make you think that I’m not the one with the problem, as all those little kid actors in the black and white seventies family sitcoms did. Then the loving father comfortingly tells me… I mean his son something like “Well, Jimmy, sometimes you just have to tell the truth even if it might end up hurting some ones feelings. And if Johnny really is your friend he might be mad at you for a little bit, but he’ll eventually come around slugger.”
“I guess pa, but how long do you think he’ll be mad at me,” I ask…I mean Jimmy asks sincerely.
  Wow, I pretty much just wrote a whole script to this little analogy. I deleted it because I was drifting far too far away from my original point which now I’m not even sure what that is… son-gun!  
Well, I don’t think it’s often that I’ve no moral to my blog post but I’m posting it anyway for cryin’ out loud just to change things up and away from my often times depressing posts.
O yeah, this is what I wanted to talk about. Do you ever feel like you have to do something that you really don’t want to do? I don’t mean things like homework or other obligations of such nature. I mean things that really will completely change your life if you just do one little thing, and if you do it, it might make you want to cry because it is just that important to you. I don’t know, I’m just rambling now, and am fuming over something that I don’t want to do at all, but feel like I need to for the sake of what’s ultimately best for me and others I know and care about. I’ve already committed myself to doing this thing by writing five whole pages about it today. After analyzing my own words I’ve concluded that this is one of those moments where you’re not sure that there is going to be anything under your foot but you step forward anyway. I hate it but from what I wrote about this problem I’ve also concluded that everything will be so much better in the long run if I do it. Sigh. I need to pray right now. Until next time my dear readers. Sorry it was a little scatter brained, it’s the paint’s fault. Goodbye.

I Will Write

  I Will Write

A man approached me at a time
When I was low and life was grim,
He asked if I for him would write,
I said, “I’m sorry sir, my words are dim.”

He said, “That’s fine but would you try
For me to write just one poem?”
Surprised I looked him in the eye
And said, “Fancy words, I’m sorry sir, I simply just don’t know em’.”

He said, “Alright, well, I’ll let you be,”
Then I continued through my night,
After a moment though still he
Asked if I for him would write.

I said again, “Sir, I’ve feeble speech,
I’m full of flaws and I’ve no ink,
There are others with more learned techniques
My tongue’s too dumb, I’m cursed I think.”

He asked again though if I would write,
But this time he used a speech so fine,
He said, “I’ll cause your words to be so bright,
More so than the stars that shine.

And in your night which was mine too,
You’ll see your cup of ink is full,
For I’m who you’ve been praying to,
And your words with me are remarkable.

All I ask of you is this,
That you scribe the words given from me,
You can’t see yet how you’ll be blest,
But I know you wish to be set free.

I testify that they’re in the sky,
They’re in the Earth my Eternal Word
I’ve blest you through your dreary night
So you can hear what yearns to be heard.

Scribe for me this day and be
Set apart from others who
Dabble in decaying creeds
And write for me what you know is true.”

“Forgive me Lord, of course I will!”
I heard and then broke down and cried,
“I will and see these words distill
And for thee My God, forever I will write.”

-Jacob Winterfeldt

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here are some scriptures...

Sometimes I feel lost, like I am less than a needle in an infinite field of haystacks. It is very easy for me to get discouraged, but I press on anyway. I find myself wondering if I’ll ever amount to anything other than a bum on the streets, I’ve considered it… My problem isn’t believing that I have potential, but rather it is figuring out how to harness it.
There is only one thing that stops me from learning how to fend for myself on the cold, hard city streets, and it isn’t the gospel. It is the fact that I’ll never be able to hold in my arms the love of my life. One big motivator for me to become anything is so I can share everything with the girl I love. A close second motivator is my childlike fascination with sunsets.
But, truthfully, despite what many individuals might think about me, I have no desire to be married any time soon. I do want to be married in the temple, but I’m still learning how to properly see through my emotionally colored glasses upon the matter of marriage. I simply want to love, and I’ve found that it is not hard to love, but rather it is hard to appropriately interpret the feelings of love into physical action with its vast and varying types.
I’ve spent far too long thinking about this matter. Why should two people get married in the first place? You should know that I believe people should be married, but I still ask the same question for the sake of understanding people’s reasons. Should two people be married because they love each other? Well, there is far too much within the realms of language, meanings, and psychology to fit into a little blog post upon this matter but I’ll touch on a few of my opinions upon it here. I think real love is another word for sincerity, true sincerity for the welfare of another, if this is the case than love is not a definitive reason to be married. They say love conquers all, and I agree with that in the right context, but I think people misinterpret what that means. I think to the world people think that if two people truly love each other than they can be together regardless of any barriers that stand in the way. There might be individual moments in history where this context of that meaning is justified in being correct, but I think that love conquers all in the way of truly understanding the real barriers in which your love should not try to push through. There is nothing greater than love so in that way, love truly does conquer all, but love is only love because it doesn’t conquer at all, it is its own perfect sincerity which makes the very fibers of all things desire it. And when there is a mutual feeling of this type of love than that is what can never be undone or ever broken regardless of any boundaries.
It is love that causes miracles to be, any miracle at all. The very fibers of the universal consciousness that makes up this place around us are swayed by it, that emotion of true love. They are swayed by the greatest event in the history of our universe which is the Atonement of Christ, which is the very core of what love is. And when we come close to having that resemblance engraved in our essence, and in our desires than that is when we can create miracles as the Savior Himself did. The world bows down and creates a path for those whose hearts resemble that of its Savior.
Even the greatest minds in science have declared that the small world surrounding us is not mechanical, meaning it does not operate by the same means that our larger world does. It operates as if it were a conscious, living thing. The very elements that surround us all the time and unceasingly are alive with intelligence of never ending boundaries. This thing is so incredible, but this is how the Atonement can be. This is why the Savior had to be sinless but, yet suffer as he had sinned all, so the infinite span of this consciousness might be brought to order in the ranks of chaos through an infinite, perfect love. Nothing is dead and life abounds everywhere, and the very most sincere feelings that are conjured up within us when we experience such great truth are the same things the surrounding elements break down and give compassion to because they cry as we do. We merely have a body which translates this emotion into physical tears that stream down our faces. We are the very most intelligent of Gods creations, for we are in His image, but we are not the only children of Heavenly Father, He created the souls of even plants and animals, and even the bodies of the finite intelligences that make up the elements of the surrounding world. When we strip ourselves of this body, and even of our spirit body we still are. But what are we? We are, when you take away everything else pure intelligence, as is the intelligence that makes up the very fibers of any matter. The difference is, is that we were blest and chosen to be Gods heirs, and to come in to life in the image of Him, because our potential, or intelligence which I must assume has always been is Endless, whereas the potential, or intelligence of say, a rose can only ever attain the perfected state of a rose and nothing more. Even our physical body is made up of other intelligences which we have dominion over, we act and they are acted upon and must obey us according to the knowledge we have the ability to accomplish. Every cell in our body literally is a separate, individually thinking and feeling entity which receive chemical peptides produced by our brain, which ultimately cause us to feel anything and everything. This thing however is a completely different topic but all the same ultimately.
Here are some scriptures for thought upon this matter of intelligence. I love the scriptures because they contain the truth when read plainly, but they also are infinitely intricate in the way they present truths. It is like the most beautifully intricate puzzle ever designed. Just in the very way the doctrines of truth are compiled it is as if there is a grand masterpiece within the whole of the scriptures which only those who might yearn for it will ever see. The ideas behind these truths can be taught but the truths themselves must always be learned by the seeker and no one else, because you simply cannot teach a testimony. I’d write so much more but I think it is time for the scriptures to take it from here, please read particularly in this order: Jacob 4:6; 1 Nephi 20:13; 2 Nephi 2:14; D&C 93:29-30,36; D&C 88:40; and last but not least, basically all of Abraham and Moses... they’re not too long…
Now these are just very few of the pieces but if I could ask you to just read these verses and let your mind just start to understand the incalculably divine principles which they are trying to teach in their beautifully displayed way, you will be completely taken in these scriptures in what you think they mean. Intelligence is light and truth, and the more we are true, the more intelligent we become. There is so much more to it still though, but I must go now. That is all I’ll say today. Thank you, I hope I can continue to learn and grow in my understanding of this grand masterpiece that is the Gospel. And to the reader today I bid farewell, hoping that many may read my words. My dear readers, adieu.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Is there anything at all that happens by chance? I really don’t know. I think mostly everything has some type of purpose behind it, but what of the miniscule, hardly noticeable events that infinitely make up the everyday happenings of life? How much of anything would have really changed today if I had worn a different shirt? Or if I hadn’t shaved? I don’t know, but I do know that there are definitely events that occur that are meant to happen and are going to happen regardless of anything else. I do not believe in fate, but rather I believe in some word that I don’t know exists yet, at least to my knowledge. This word describes something much more true and beautiful than what the word “fate” has succumbed to in its connotation. Destiny is even worse in its meaning. I suppose divine foreordination is closest to what I want in this word, but still it is too cold, at least to me. Maybe one day I’ll stumble upon this beautiful word I’ve not yet seen, or I’ll simply make one up. I am not opposed to making up words but I don’t think one should make something new up every time they have a funny place for it or can’t think of a real word that would suffice in the given situation. I think there are very special instances when there simply is nothing that will replace the word in the very moment that it was written and used when freely writing ones thoughts as one thinks. What is the purpose of these symbols if they cannot convey in even the least degree a smidgen of the character of our very essence-our thoughts. If a new word does not come to you in how I might describe a “crisp” way than probably an already existing word will do. Just understand what I mean by that and you’ll understand it…hmmm.
I’ve thought long and hard how to describe this foreordination, but I am simply at a loss. It is so remarkable in its truth that maybe its best there isn’t a word for what I’m trying to describe. I however, have witnessed this thing in my life from my very depths. I have dreamt incredible things and seen fulfillment of these incredible things even in my short life this far. I have spent many hours on my knees praying for understanding of other things that I’ve not yet been blest to know, yet am sure in heart that they’ve comforted me and blest me incalculably.
Miracles happen in innumerable amount of ways, such as miraculous healings and seemingly impossible physical events taking place for the safety or benefit of others, but also miracles can simply be an association. Miracles can be such small things but with grand purpose and feeling. For example, the very act of me going to school and not hating it is a miracle for me. The very fact that I am still alive is a miracle to me. I think of so many instances in my life where I either should have died or wanted to die, and I think, “How did my soul stay attached to this malfunctioning body of mine all these years?” It only makes me wonder that I must have some purpose if God hasn’t taken me back yet, even when I pleaded for him to. I’ve spent a good portion of my life deathly sick, and today, though I still have health concerns, I’ve never felt better in my life. I suppose this is the perfect time for me to, out of nowhere be diagnosed with cancer of the brain or something profoundly horrible like unto that, but truthfully, if you want my honest thoughts on the matter, I’ve never before been less afraid of dying in my life. If I were to come down with some new illness I would gratefully accept it as a new trial in my life and yes, probably some tears would be shed but I would not fear, for I know that if God wants me back home I shall go back home, but I believe with every fiber of my being by some means that I simply cannot describe that He doesn’t want me back quite yet, and that I’ve got much longer here on earth.
The reason I talk of miracles is because I think we should play more into the idea that nothing happens by accident or chance. I truly believe that we are surrounded by miracles that intervene and change and affect the course of our lives every single day. Our feelings and emotions play a pivotal part in determining the miracles from the detractors. But also, our feelings and emotions can be vices in which we can’t separate ourselves from what we want to be true and good. There are very careful ways of determining the miracles from the detractors. I say careful ways because they are perfectly humble ways, and we can never use this humble spirit of determining for our own gain and benefit because then it diffuses its own goodness. Miracles can easily become vices if we stray from this grand, yet humble nature of the miracle. …unfinished…

Through all of my weakness I still pray. I pray that the sincerity of my words might penetrate the darkness through all of my vices, that my Heavenly Father might hear my pleas. I pray that I might leave what I need to behind and keep near what I need to keep near, and that I might know clearly what it is that I need to keep or leave.
This world is beautiful. People are beautiful. And I find myself lost in a quandary of such beautiful things. I feel often like I’m the only one who sees that nearly everyone wears a mask, even I, a mask, or a front that we hide behind so as to disguise our true selves, our true desires, passions, and loves. I believe that our true selves are simply amazing in our infinite truth and light and ability for compassion. A problem with this mask is that we get lost in the perceptions we give ourselves when we look in the mirror with it on, they skew our own vision of ourselves and of others. They make us believe the world is different than how it really is. This is why I love nature. Nature does not wear a mask, it simply is what it is regardless of who doesn’t appreciate it for what it is or what it isn’t. I love the sunset, because it’s not afraid to be the sunset. It just is what it is and it is beautiful. Even I put up a front sometimes, but I love more than anything to reach out to someone I care about and caringly lift off their mask so I can see them for who they truly are. This is what means something to me, not all this surface nonsense that plagues our minds today. What is it that means something to you? Take off your mask and look in the mirror for longer than a moment and you’ll see something incredible that will change your life. And learn to see past others masks that they display because I’ve learned to do it and it is not hard once you get the hang of it. It is not hard to see who someone really is if you simply observe them for even a short period of time.
Something I find myself doing a lot, almost without thinking about it is mimicking the subtle movements of others around me. I always laugh to myself after mimicking some interesting movement of another that caught my eye, not to make fun of them but I truthfully don’t know why I do. I find it infinitely fascinating to watch the facial expressions of others. You can find out so much just by observing the tiny micro movements of the face even from the corner of your eye. I found out that there is actually a science to this thing, but I was doing it long before, “Lie to me” came out, (great show by the way.)       