Saturday, March 19, 2011

Two Star Trek Nerds...

On our excursion to Sandy today for an HP laptop battery, Ryan said to me, “You are the most funniest person I know.” To which I just laughed and said, “I know, I’m pretty funny huh?”
Later, after picking up KFC for us to eat, he made some remark that I don’t remember what it was, but I told him that I ought to slap him in the back of the head for it, and then reminded him that he’s slapped me in the back of the head a few times before, to which he promptly replied, “Yeah because you were being a jackass those times!”  I just laughed because I know it’s Ryan’s favorite thing to do to give me a hard time. He laughed too as we ate our chicken and mashed potatoes. He promptly reassured that he still loved me though and we were still friends. I said, “I know Ryan.”
I suppose it’s been nearly four years since I’ve known Ryan and we’ve been through the ringer together. He’s seen me at my very worst and he helped me through it. I’ve seen him lose some of his very closest friends as well and even more recently his long time cat. I think we’ve a unique friendship. I originally was paid through another organization to work for Ryan, but now I just work for him. Even though Ryan is technically my boss, I don't see it that way and neither does he. It’s more of a symbiotic friendship than it is a type of employment.
Shortly after I met Ryan, we realized that we both have an affinity toward Star Trek. He has all of the seasons of all of the series’ on both DVD and VHS, all of the TV specials, reunions, and documentaries, and more than multiples of all of the movies. He even has a signed William Shatner photo encased in an official United Federation of Planets plaque, (which is the wallpaper photo on my phone) and a life size cardboard cutout of Captain Jean Luc Picard.
Anyway, one fateful day long ago we popped in disc one of the original series, and have since watched Star Trek in chronological order ever Friday, and or Saturday I’ve been in town. We have currently watched all of the original series with Captain James T. Kirk, all of the original movies, and we just watched Unification parts one and two today from season five of The Next Generation with Captain Picard. It was an especially good episode because it was like bringing up memories from the past because Leonard Nemoy returned as Spock in The Next Generation series and alluded to Captain Kirk who at this time in the Canon of Star Trek was long dead. (Vulcans live a lot longer than humans by the way by a few hundred years…) And also, Denise Crosby who played Tasha Yar in season one who was quite unceremoniously killed in the episode Skin of Evil by an ugly sludge monster with strictly plot driven powers, returned as her Romulan daughter! I can guarantee no one ever saw that coming! If you don’t know this, Romulans are the same species as Vulcans but do not share the same logical statutes.
Anyway it was an incredible two part episode. The crew of the enterprise, with the help of the Romulus underground led by Spock was able to thwart Sela’s(Yar’s Romulan daughter) conniving plan to, by means of secret combinations overthrow the Vulcan Counsel and seize control of their home world. Sadly Sarak, Spocks father died in this episode but in previous episodes had shared a mind meld with Picard. The ending scene portrayed Spock performing a mind meld with Picard since Spock had never done so with his father, but Picard had which meant he had the essence of everything that was left of Sarak. So, Spock was able to become at peace with his father’s death through Captain Picard with the final mind meld. It was very sad but moving as well. Call me a nerd but Star Trek is awesome!
That’s all today folks. As you can tell I am feeling much better about life and just am happy to be alive. Goodbye for now my dear friends.        

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