Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here are some scriptures...

Sometimes I feel lost, like I am less than a needle in an infinite field of haystacks. It is very easy for me to get discouraged, but I press on anyway. I find myself wondering if I’ll ever amount to anything other than a bum on the streets, I’ve considered it… My problem isn’t believing that I have potential, but rather it is figuring out how to harness it.
There is only one thing that stops me from learning how to fend for myself on the cold, hard city streets, and it isn’t the gospel. It is the fact that I’ll never be able to hold in my arms the love of my life. One big motivator for me to become anything is so I can share everything with the girl I love. A close second motivator is my childlike fascination with sunsets.
But, truthfully, despite what many individuals might think about me, I have no desire to be married any time soon. I do want to be married in the temple, but I’m still learning how to properly see through my emotionally colored glasses upon the matter of marriage. I simply want to love, and I’ve found that it is not hard to love, but rather it is hard to appropriately interpret the feelings of love into physical action with its vast and varying types.
I’ve spent far too long thinking about this matter. Why should two people get married in the first place? You should know that I believe people should be married, but I still ask the same question for the sake of understanding people’s reasons. Should two people be married because they love each other? Well, there is far too much within the realms of language, meanings, and psychology to fit into a little blog post upon this matter but I’ll touch on a few of my opinions upon it here. I think real love is another word for sincerity, true sincerity for the welfare of another, if this is the case than love is not a definitive reason to be married. They say love conquers all, and I agree with that in the right context, but I think people misinterpret what that means. I think to the world people think that if two people truly love each other than they can be together regardless of any barriers that stand in the way. There might be individual moments in history where this context of that meaning is justified in being correct, but I think that love conquers all in the way of truly understanding the real barriers in which your love should not try to push through. There is nothing greater than love so in that way, love truly does conquer all, but love is only love because it doesn’t conquer at all, it is its own perfect sincerity which makes the very fibers of all things desire it. And when there is a mutual feeling of this type of love than that is what can never be undone or ever broken regardless of any boundaries.
It is love that causes miracles to be, any miracle at all. The very fibers of the universal consciousness that makes up this place around us are swayed by it, that emotion of true love. They are swayed by the greatest event in the history of our universe which is the Atonement of Christ, which is the very core of what love is. And when we come close to having that resemblance engraved in our essence, and in our desires than that is when we can create miracles as the Savior Himself did. The world bows down and creates a path for those whose hearts resemble that of its Savior.
Even the greatest minds in science have declared that the small world surrounding us is not mechanical, meaning it does not operate by the same means that our larger world does. It operates as if it were a conscious, living thing. The very elements that surround us all the time and unceasingly are alive with intelligence of never ending boundaries. This thing is so incredible, but this is how the Atonement can be. This is why the Savior had to be sinless but, yet suffer as he had sinned all, so the infinite span of this consciousness might be brought to order in the ranks of chaos through an infinite, perfect love. Nothing is dead and life abounds everywhere, and the very most sincere feelings that are conjured up within us when we experience such great truth are the same things the surrounding elements break down and give compassion to because they cry as we do. We merely have a body which translates this emotion into physical tears that stream down our faces. We are the very most intelligent of Gods creations, for we are in His image, but we are not the only children of Heavenly Father, He created the souls of even plants and animals, and even the bodies of the finite intelligences that make up the elements of the surrounding world. When we strip ourselves of this body, and even of our spirit body we still are. But what are we? We are, when you take away everything else pure intelligence, as is the intelligence that makes up the very fibers of any matter. The difference is, is that we were blest and chosen to be Gods heirs, and to come in to life in the image of Him, because our potential, or intelligence which I must assume has always been is Endless, whereas the potential, or intelligence of say, a rose can only ever attain the perfected state of a rose and nothing more. Even our physical body is made up of other intelligences which we have dominion over, we act and they are acted upon and must obey us according to the knowledge we have the ability to accomplish. Every cell in our body literally is a separate, individually thinking and feeling entity which receive chemical peptides produced by our brain, which ultimately cause us to feel anything and everything. This thing however is a completely different topic but all the same ultimately.
Here are some scriptures for thought upon this matter of intelligence. I love the scriptures because they contain the truth when read plainly, but they also are infinitely intricate in the way they present truths. It is like the most beautifully intricate puzzle ever designed. Just in the very way the doctrines of truth are compiled it is as if there is a grand masterpiece within the whole of the scriptures which only those who might yearn for it will ever see. The ideas behind these truths can be taught but the truths themselves must always be learned by the seeker and no one else, because you simply cannot teach a testimony. I’d write so much more but I think it is time for the scriptures to take it from here, please read particularly in this order: Jacob 4:6; 1 Nephi 20:13; 2 Nephi 2:14; D&C 93:29-30,36; D&C 88:40; and last but not least, basically all of Abraham and Moses... they’re not too long…
Now these are just very few of the pieces but if I could ask you to just read these verses and let your mind just start to understand the incalculably divine principles which they are trying to teach in their beautifully displayed way, you will be completely taken in these scriptures in what you think they mean. Intelligence is light and truth, and the more we are true, the more intelligent we become. There is so much more to it still though, but I must go now. That is all I’ll say today. Thank you, I hope I can continue to learn and grow in my understanding of this grand masterpiece that is the Gospel. And to the reader today I bid farewell, hoping that many may read my words. My dear readers, adieu.

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